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Toddlers (Page 4)
In a world full of “smart” toys that take the guesswork out of just about everything and include fun sounds…
Here's the thing: There is no truth to the saying, “Spare the rod spoil the child.”
Climbing is a skill that children reach incrementally. While some toddlers seem hardwired to climb absolutely everything in sight, others…
After months of desperately trying to read nonverbal cues and listen for the meanings of ever so slightly different cries,…
Long before your child begins to read, she’ll develop pre-reading skills that set her up for early literacy skills and…
I’ve been nursing my daughter for the last two and a half years. I had a goal to make it…
Three years ago, I experienced my first summer as a mom. While I enjoyed toting my son to beaches and…
I have a toddler, and my life is infinitely more hilarious now that I have a constant form of entertainment.…
It’s almost summer and that means gearing up to read about the tragedies of children left in hot cars and…
#6. Potty training can take anywhere from three days to three years. Clear your schedule accordingly.
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