What Is the Baking Soda Gender Test?

When she was pregnant with her first child, Jody C. of Brooklyn, New York, admits that she couldn’t wait to find out whether she was having a boy or girl. “I was desperate to know,” she shares. “My husband didn’t care, but how was I supposed to set up the nursery for my baby registry if I didn’t know?” She was too impatient to wait until her 20-week ultrasound — the time when it’s often possible to learn a baby’s gender — so Jody says she decided to test out a popular old wives tale for gender prediction: The Baking Soda Gender Test.

It’s a popular old wives tale for predicting a baby’s gender that involves a pee test you take at home.

How is it done?

First, you’ll need a few things.

  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (baking soda can get stale, so use a fresh box)
  • Urine (morning pee is said to more accurate, because it’s less concentrated)
  • A clear glass

Now, mix the baking soda and pee together and see what happens!

How do you read the results of the Baking Soda Gender Test?

If your urine begins to fizz (like hydrogen peroxide on a cut) then you are going to have a boy, according to the old wives tale. If your urine just kind of sits there, innocuously mingling with the pee, then it could mean it’s time to paint your nursery pink!

Does it really work?

There is no science behind this test. In fact, Jody reports that the test told her she was having a girl — when, in fact, she gave birth to a boy. “But, you may as well try and see,” says April Sarvis, MD, an ob-gyn at Beaumont Hospital in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. “Put it in the baby book for the fun of it.”

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Photo: Getty


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