Danielle Fishel Welcomes Baby Boy, Has Nightmare Birth Experience

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No matter how smooth a pregnancy goes, no one can ever guarantee an easy and safe delivery as Danielle Fishel learned on June 24th when she delivered her baby boy, Adler Lawrence Karp who was five weeks early and is currently being treated in a NICU. The actress shared her story on Instagram in a viral post that has been liked 173K times and has attracted more than 5K comments from fans.

“My water broke on 6/20, one day before my work week directing Raven’s Home ended and my maternity leave began,” Fishel wrote. “I was hospitalized that night and put on magnesium sulfate because Adler was only 35 weeks old. Unfortunately, after doing an ultrasound, our amazing OB discovered fluid in his lungs that was not there on our last appointment only 10 days earlier – and thus we entered a nightmare we’ll never forget.”

Fishel and husband, Jensen Karp, have joined the NICU club where moms and dads wait and watch helplessly as babies are treated by expert medical teams. Adler, Fishel shared in her post, is still not out of the woods. She wrote, “We still don’t have Adler home with us because the deeply good doctors and nurses in the NICU are working diligently to find out why the fluid is there and determine the best way to get it out.”

Despite the frightening challenges facing the new family, Fishel shared in her poignant Instagram post that this experience has brought her and her husband, Jensen Karp aka Hot Karl, an American writer, comedian, and former rap battle star much closer together. She indicated that they have a robust support system of friends and family who are doing everything possible to make sure the family has all of their needs met during this difficult time.

Fluid in the lungs of newborns is a serious condition called Transient Tachypnea or TTN. While we do not know the exact diagnosis of baby Adler, we do know that this particular condition usually resolves quickly. Known causes include delivery via cesarean section and rapid vaginal delivery. Since babies breathe in the amniotic fluid while in utero, rapid births or cesarean section prevents the lungs from being able to squeeze out all of the fluid. This can lead to a TTN diagnosis.

Here’s to hoping for a speedy recovery for baby Adler and for the Fishel Karp family to be able to go home and celebrate soon.

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