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Pregnancy (Page 38)
Even if you have a C-Section and never push (like me), you'll still deserve a push present. Trust me.
#10. It takes one extra multivitamin a day to have the strength not to b*tch-slap the people who refer to…
For these celebs, talking about pregnancy sex is like talking about what they had for breakfast.
We talked to a mom who tried it, as well as an expert, to find out.
#3. Be spontaneously sexy.
Wondering what to expect? Moms who have delivered the V Way tell all.
We're all for creative expression when it comes to baby names. But, these names go too far.
Yes, I'm admitting it: I really hope that baby #3 is a girl.
#4. Take a video of your bump in motion.
Here's the thing: These beautiful photos are a fun way to document your changing bump, as well as remember your…
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