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Pregnancy (Page 61)
Take it from someone who's been there: you don't need to register for this stuff!
The New York Times' compelling new series on the disease caused me to rethink what I lived through 7 years…
I'm 16 weeks pregnant and I've gained 9 pounds. And for some reason, that terrifies me.
I couldn't agree with Mila Kunis more: Men should never say "we're" and "pregnant" in the same sentence.
Even if you're not pregnant right now, you'll LOL when you watch this video.
Now that my pregnancy is feeling more real, I'm questioning how my identity could change as a mom.
Trying to conceive? If your partner lights up, here's a good reason to ask him to stop.
It was 4 a.m., and we had to make snap decisions based on our gut feelings.
The singer, who is expecting a baby girl with fiancé Matthew Rutler, shares happy news!
You won't believe what your baby's ultrasound image says about you.
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