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Pregnancy Health (Page 12)
I want to go celebrity-style pill popper all over this stupid cold, but of course I can't.
Great news for pregnant and breastfeeding moms! Check out this new report.
The good news: If you are exposed to it, there are things you can do to offset the damage to…
It came on pretty suddenly -- and now this uncomfortable condition is consuming my life.
Expecting a baby? You won't want to miss this report!
Yes, swollen ankles are a pretty benign pregnancy symptom, but I'd rather avoid 'em.
The FDA says yes; Consumer Reports says no, when it comes to 'light' canned tuna.
I took them even after my twins were born. New studies suggest prenatal vitamins will even prevent cancer...
No weekly weigh-ins, but I'll have different midwives for prenatal care and labor.
New research finds women who deliver their babies in low-quality hospitals suffer twice the rate of major complications.
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