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Pregnancy In the News (Page 12)
When questioned about their reproductive health, most women don't know the basics.
Think your birth was hard? Imagine delivering a 15 pound baby like this mom did in California.
It's not just moms who need to stay healthy for Baby's sake—dads need to watch their weight, too!
One woman's sharp instincts saved her newborn daughter's life. Read the story.
Read about this medical breakthrough and amazing conception story.
Watch what happens when these expecting parents reveal their baby's gender—it's hilarious.
Before you make your labor and delivery plans, read this study about the cost of giving birth in a hospital.
The reality star recently admitted how difficult her pregnancy was, and I can SO relate. But like Kim, I can't…
A groundbreaking surgery in Sweden may allow previously infertile women to conceive.
Feeling a little forgetful? Research reveals that pregnancy brain exists!
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