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Preschoolers (Page 7)
#2. No public restroom? They'd be free to pee in your yard.
Truth #5: They don't have the same strengths and weaknesses.
#5. They hang out with kids you can’t stand.
For starters, eating with threenagers is a freaking disaster.
Planning ahead is absolutely essential.
Now that I understand what the difference is, I don't feel as defeated. I also don't take my twin boys'…
He was over it in five seconds, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about that cringe-worthy moment on…
If you're feeling the "less is more" vibe when it comes to kids and candy like I am, then you'll…
With these strategies, we've even managed to avert those before-school catastrophes that can derail a perfectly lovely morning.
#12: They always want to know your location.
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