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Cooking with Kids (Page 4)
This tasty stroke of culinary genius was my kid's own invention---what will your kids come up with?
The name says it all: "fresh water," to keep you cool all summer long.
Kick off the season with these super-refreshing recipes.
A perfect beginning baking recipe for little kids using a yogurt container as a measuring tool.
Pick up some prepackaged naan, lay out your toppings, and let your kids make their own dinner.
If your kids are having a sleepover, this custom nachos recipe will be a major hit.
A great way to use up those extra hard-boiled Easter eggs!
Plus, a bonus dessert recipe you won't want to miss!
The last thing I want to do is take an hour-long sabbatical to the kitchen to make dinner.
15 greatest hits to keep in the rotation year round.
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