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Cooking with Kids (Page 5)
Get your kids to eat their greens and keep everyone happy with this crowd-pleaser.
Sneak some green into this classic crowd-pleasing appetizer. Hello, spring!
Now that I'm a dad, spending time in the kitchen is NOT an option.
Yes, you have our permission to play with your food.
Bored of the same old ketchup dipping routine? Try these!
Quit fighting the nightly dinner battle...with these your kids will BEG for their veggies.
Since Sbarro doesn't deliver, I’ve taken to doing the next best thing: making it at home.
Ditch the drive-thru and make your own healthier version of this tasty AM treat.
The pantry staple recipe that keeps on giving: pancakes for the whole fam for weeks!
I've got the key to making a veggie sandwich your kids will beg for!
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