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Cooking with Kids (Page 7)
Make homemade lollipops easy, without fussing with boiling sugar. The secret? Jolly Ranchers!
Your kids will love welcoming spring with this picture perfect (and delish!) themed bento box lunch.
What happens when kids taste the finest foods around? Well, see for yourself.
Ditch the greasy popcorn for these nummy, salty treats!
Woah! Got an empty plastic water bottle? You've unlocked an unbelievably easy way to separate eggs.
My 11 year old cooks one night a week (by himself!) and I totally love it.
Try this simple, yummy twist on the classic brownie.
A mind-blowing tutorial on how to peel garlic cloves quickly!
We threw a breakfast party where Alice’s play town gets ambushed by oversized breakfast food. And, holy cow, it was…
6 tried and true ways to get your kids to eat their vegetables!
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