Fudge pops are one of the best ever low-fat desserts. What is not to love about a popsicle of frozen chocolate treat at the end of the day? I remember buying them at the corner store when I was little. But now I make them at home. Why? Because the homemade version is amazingly easy and tastes much better than the ones you can find at the store. It is easy to see why when you read the ingredients in the recipe—it’s mostly chocolate and milk with a little flavor thrown in. There are no preservatives or funny things you can’t pronounce. Since my kids are little, I make these simple pops in paper cups with lollipop sticks or popsicle sticks. This keeps the portion size perfect, and I don’t have to worry about the kids breaking plastic containers. Here is how we make them at home. And, of course, you can stripe or swirl them in whatever pattern you like!