10 Best Diaper Bags for Dads for Father’s Day

When we were expecting our first child, I had a list of about 300 items we needed. But my husband, also excited about the impending arrival of Baby #1, didn’t care about many details beyond the crib (easy to install, please!) and the stroller (solid turning radius a must!). However, one thing that he really did want was one of the growingly popular Dad Diaper Bags.

Here’s the thing: it’s easy enough to say you and your male partner can share a diaper bag. I’m sure many couples make this work. But for us, sharing isn’t always caring. First of all, my husband and I have very different taste. While I love logos and anything girly-chic, he is a fan of classic, clean lines and understated designs. (I mean, he’s a dude. This isn’t entirely surprising).

Furthermore, we both like our stuff to feel like just that: our stuff. I don’t want him poking around in the secret stash of Swedish Fish I keep in my diaper bag pockets, and he isn’t too keen on me taking swigs of water from his Yeti. So, for all these reasons and also the convenience of each keeping a bag in our own cars, we decided he needed his own diaper bag. After reading endless reviews and toting all the top contenders around baby stores, we went with one of these. Which one’s your favorite diaper bag for dads?







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