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Beauty (Page 37)
Quench your thirsty skin this winter. Body oils are the way to go! Try one of our faves.
Make your face pop with a few simple steps!
Check out our HOT orange lip product picks for 2014!
Our roundup of the top acne blasting products for your money
Banish that oil slick on top of your head in just 10 minutes!
The 3 miracle creams that have claimed our top spots for coverage, wearability, and cost.
Boost your hair's shine factor and give it the nourishment it needs in just 10 minutes!
Think you can't get a spa quality manicure at home? Think again. Here's how...
Here are the trendiest winter nail polish colors out right now. Find the perfect complement for your skin tone:
Get ahead of the game with a heads up of what’s going to be HOT in 2014 makeup trends!
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