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Kid Style (Page 2)
Cute toddler underwear is one of those mom expenditures that no one minds making. First of all, they’re a heck…
One of my favorite things that is happening right now that fills my soul with sunshine and butterscotch is the…
When I was 14 and graduating from junior high school, I wore what I damn well pleased. “What I damn…
We’ve been on a Disney princess kick in this house since my eldest was about two-years-old. Now that she’s four,…
Walmart has added a new aspect to its business that is bound to make parents everywhere smile. The retailer recently…
Shopping for an Easter dress was always one of my favorite traditions as a little girl. Back in the late…
This style looks like a French braid, but is so much easier to do.
These are my favorite stylish picks for those rare days I can get my daughter out of her Elsa princess…
These adorable toddler haircuts will help you decide which look is just right for your little.
Printed tights are such a fun wardrobe staple for girls. And they get bonus points because you can score cool…
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