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Kid Style (Page 9)
I'm breaking down for you all the bells & whistles of the latest ERGObaby carrier.
Mamas-to-be: this is the only swaddle you'll need!
A quick t-shirt craft to whip up on a weekend, and the end result will be wearable fun for the…
Dressing boys doesn't get any easier (or more adorable!) than these simple tips and resources.
If you're debating between these two bouncers for your new babe, I'll give you the lowdown on each one.
How to keep baby warm for those chilly morning walks? Start with this awesome stroller accessory.
I've found 10 cool coats for your too-cool-for-school mini me this season.
Since I'm often alone with both my boys, I needed something they could both ride in. Did this do the…
These lunch boxes sport the perfect blend of form + function. Who doesn't want to start lunch with a smile…
With any of these shoes, your toddler girl will have the fly-est feet on the playground!
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