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Books (Page 2)
Since most schools across the country are closed, most parents are left wondering how they are going to homeschool and…
As a parent, I am finding myself in total scramble mode as my children’s schools have shut down, local businesses…
The Office is about to gain a much younger following. Even though the series finale of The Office aired in…
The parenting book market is saturated with moms giving funny and poignant testimonials to how tough it is to be…
The summer slide is definitely not hitting the house where two sisters, Zaria, 13, and Hailey, 8, from Dover, Delaware…
Summer is a great time to grab the perfect book and settle into a beach chair, hammock, or couch in…
Getting kids to relax before bedtime is a constant struggle. While nothing can replace spending time with your kid and…
My fam keeps a diverse selection of holiday books on our shelves. Check out our top picks.
It’s true that the books are always better than the movie version. While big screen (or Netflix and Amazon screens)…
The transition from preschool to kindergarten is a big deal, and for a lot of kids (and parents) it causes…
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