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Cooking with Kids (Page 11)
Make a batch of these with the kids for an activity and treat in one.
Start a fun family tradition by gathering the family together for a sit-down breakfast one weekend day a week!
I never condone serving alcohol to minors, which is why I prefer to serve this punch when entertaining children of…
While these look like cookies, they're really a chewy treat that tastes similar to chocolate chip cookie dough. Yummy!
We are right in the middle of the holiday season, and I'm cooking more than ever! What's really fun is…
I am mostly a tea drinker, but in the winter I love hot chocolate. I like to make my own…
We carved our pumpkins yesterday and collected some of the seeds to roast. The best part of roasting your own…
This is a great activity for kids, simply let them fill the cored apple with just about anything they want.…
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