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Gifts (Page 3)
Parents know that shopping for one gift to share between siblings only makes sense, since they’ll probably end up trying…
The sleepless nights. The tears. The diapers! Life as a new parent is an adjustment, and while lots of focus…
Newborns use a lot of diapers. Instead of wrapping a box of diapers and slapping a bow on it, try…
My kids make these for their grandparents. It's one of my mom's favorite gifts to get in the mail.
Do you know what? As much as we know it should be so, sometimes Christmas isn’t just about the giving.…
Oh how I love to spoil my man. When you think about it, the boys do their best to spoil…
Have you done most of your Christmas shopping yet? I’m close, but not close enough. The number of kids I…
Don’t you just love Christmas shopping? Yes? No? I love it. I love selecting gifts that I just know will…
Do you exchange gifts with your friends at Christmas? As a rule I don’t, but sometimes I’ve had an exceptionally…
Do you give your class teacher an individual gift each year or does the whole class go in together? I…
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