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Pregnancy Health (Page 14)
Hey mamas! Try this routine to strengthen your hips and booty, as well as prevent pain in your hips and…
Calling all pregnant moms! Here's another reason to learn to love mocktails.
No, there’s no “safe” form of nicotine when you’re pregnant, according to Tim McAfee, director of the Centers for Disease Control and…
I've heard conflicting reports about being pregnant and overweight. What's accurate?
Pregnant and worried about gestational diabetes? Snack on these instead of your usual.
Check out a surprising new study about the safety of taking Tylenol during pregnancy.
Learn what's behind this alarming trend -- and how you can help protect yourself against it.
Should vaccines be required by law? Weigh in.
Find out how your weight can affect your pregnancy.
When questioned about their reproductive health, most women don't know the basics.
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