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Pregnancy (Page 51)
I assumed my pregnancy would interest my daughter -- I just never imagined how much.
For starters, I practically live in plus-size nightgowns and I cry a lot.
For starters, however adorable or swoon-worthy professional photos are, I still feel like a phony taking them.
If you don't tolerate certain foods and smells, it's a clue that your baby is THIS gender.
Expecting a baby? Don't miss this important report.
I haven't even given birth yet, but I'm already worrying about the postpartum birth control convo with my ob-gyn.
I'm hoping my baby will be better off because of the decisions I've made.
These ideas are so beautiful that I almost wish I were having another baby. Almost.
I want to go celebrity-style pill popper all over this stupid cold, but of course I can't.
I'm afraid she'll see me in pain, and that sending her elsewhere while I have the baby will traumatize her.
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