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Sex (Page 10)
It's hard to find a kid-free zone to, er, hang out -- but is a rent-by-the-half-hour truck the answer?
Get ready to take some notes and start cooking (in more ways than one).
What would happen if we took sexy TV ads and switched the women out with men? The results are downright…
It might be freezing outside, but footie and flannel pajamas are out.
If you’re not throwing a quickie into your sexual repertoire, you’re missing out. Here's why.
Don't get me wrong: I love having sex with my husband...just NOT with a baby bump.
Spice up February 14 with a present you'll both love.
Instead of getting jealous, I encourage the "relationship." I don’t mind having a threesome as long as the third person…
Following the advice I always give my clients, I scheduled sex -- and the results were shocking.
Why not? We both enjoy it! How do you feel about your partner reading "dirty" magazines?
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