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Sex (Page 8)
Who's to blame for your marriage dying? Just look in the mirror.
Keeping strict tabs on our sex life, like the husband called out on Reddit for his sex spreadsheet, isn't our…
The sexy movie won't be released until Valentine's Day 2015. Until then, these steamy flicks will do.
It's for a good cause, but do we really need a tool that helps us obsess about our bodies?
It's easier than you think to reclaim your sex life -- with this insider advice.
There's science behind them, but you won't believe the strange turn-ons that made this list!
The payoff: More orgasms and a great time with your partner.
Hint: You may want to rethink your diet.
You can have hot sex -- no matter how long you've been together -- if you make your love life…
Want to keep things hot? These mood-setting tunes are even more important now that you have kids.
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