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Sex (Page 9)
Here's the thing: Improving your sex life means focusing on more than just the physical.
Adding edible ingredients to foreplay is a surefire way to end your night with fireworks.
When sleep sounds more enticing than sex, it's time to jumpstart your libido.
Do you and your partner fall behind other couples your age? Are you average? Or are you overachievers?
Yep, this is a new trend on Instagram. Would you ever post a pic of your after-sex self?
You had an active sex life...and then you had kids. Here's how to get your old love life back.
The Kama Sutra isn't the only book for spicing things up between the sheets! Check out these sexy reads.
Real moms reveal the creative ways they keep the spark alive with their husbands.
New dads: Hoping to get lucky sooner rather than later post-baby? Here's how to stack the odds in your favor.
With a little planning ahead, you can create plenty of opportunities to get intimate (seriously!).
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